Return to Play - July 2021
We are excited to announce our Return to Play!
Wizard's Tower is excited to have players back in the store to play games starting Friday, July 16th. With the start of Step 3 of the Ontario Government's reopening plan, this now allows us to have our play space open for scheduled events and casual play. We've been looking forward to your return and can't wait to have you back in our store!
With our expanded location, there is a full store capacity of 55 customers, which includes a maximum of 24 players in our play area.
With the safety of our staff and customers in mind, we look forward to bringing players back into the store to play the games they love!
How Return to Play will look like at our store:

Like at our retail store, masks must be properly worn at all times.
- With your safety in mind, all play spaces are cleaned regularly and in between rounds to ensure store cleanliness.
- For your safety and to make sure we are still social distancing, we are putting two tables together and having 2 chairs on each side of the table. With 6 total tables, this will provide 24 total spots for players to play in.
- We will have both open gaming and scheduled events available for play. (See the bottom of the page or our event calendar for event and time details)
Open Gaming / Casual Play - Board Games, Commander, Casual Game Play [Starts Friday Jul 16th]
- Come with friends and play some games.
- Sign in at the front cash before going into the Play Area.
- Pick and choose a place to sit for your open gaming. During the duration of your time in the play area, we ask that you keep seated in just your own seat and do not move around to other seats.
- We have 2 single tables available for Casual Play for those from the same household to have a play space to use and 3 double tables for Casual Play for those not from the household.
- We have Board Games available for rent at this time for use on our 2 tables reserved for Casual Play with players from the same household only.
- Players are not allowed to walk around between tables or loiter in the play area and must be seated at their table while in the game area.
- Players are allowed and able to walk around the retail part of the store at any time.
- If you would like to switch seats to play against another player, please notify the staff so that you can leave the game area and your table area can be cleaned before use by another player.
Scheduled Events [Starts Friday Jul 16th]
- There will be a capacity for each event of up to 24 players and we encourage signing up in advance through our online registration.
- You will be assigned seats for your matchup before each round. Your area will be cleaned by a staff member in between each Round.
- While in the Play Area, players are to stay in their table space and not switch seats until the start of the next round.
- Players are allowed and able to walk around the retail part of the store at any time in between rounds.
- Between each round, players will leave their tablespace into the retail store while we clean the tables in between rounds.
How to Play in our Play Area
- All scheduled events will be available to sign up through our website. You can book your spot online or in-store. This will also tell you how many spots are available for the event as well.
- We ask that if you are feeling ill or have had any COVID-19 symptoms that you don't come into the store or use the play area until you are feeling better. If you are showing symptoms of being ill while in our Play Area you will be asked to leave by our staff.
- You will be assigned a tablespace to play for scheduled events. For casual play, please choose a tablespace and stay in that area if possible for your stay.
- We ask that you do not change seats and stay within your table space while in the Play Area.
- Players may leave the Play Area to walk around and shop in the retail store.
- Masks must be properly worn at all times.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the Play Area at this time.
- Due to physical distancing requirements, trading cards will not be allowed in the play area at this time.
- Each player should be the only one allowed to touch their own property including dice, supplies, and cards themselves.
- We have public washrooms available for use for players located in the back hall.
- When leaving the Play Area for the day, please let one of our staff know so they can clean the area for the next player.
- There are no reservations for our Play Area space for Casual Play/Open Gaming and table space will be given at a first-come, first-serve basis.
- If the Play Area is full, please let one of our staff know and we will add you to our waiting list.
- If there are players on the waiting list to play in the Play Area, there will be a time limit of 3 hours for Open Gaming to allow as many players as possible to use the space.
- With the safety of our players and staff, please note that staff have the ability to ask any player to leave if they feel they are not following social distancing or any of the rules set out by the store for use of our Play Area.
Fri Jul 16th - Open Gaming and Scheduled Events to Begin
Play Area Hours of Operation - Open to Everyone!
[Maximum # of players in the Play Area including Scheduled Events]
Mon - Fri
9 am - 9:45 pm - 24 players
Sat - Sun
9 am - 8:45 pm - 24 players
Play Area Schedule for Magic Events (Subject to Change)
[Maximum # of players in the Play Area]
Monday – 6 pm - 10 pm - 24 players [LEGACY]
Tuesday – 6 pm - 10 pm - 24 players [4-PACK SEALED]
Wednesday – 6 pm - 10 pm - 24 players [MODERN]
Thursday – 6 pm - 10 pm - 24 players [MODERN]
Friday – 6 pm - 10 pm - 24 players [4-PACK SEALED - CURRENT FORMAT]
Saturday – 10 am - 2 pm - 24 players [ROTATING EVENTS]
Saturday – 3 pm - 9 pm - 24 players [COMMANDER / OPEN GAMING]
Sunday – 9 am - 9 pm - 24 players [COMMANDER / OPEN GAMING]
For full details on all events, please see our Events Calendar.
*We will be working on our schedule and changing formats over time. We will be running more and different events once the ability to expand our seating capacity in the play area is allowed. Due to social distancing restrictions in Ontario, Drafts cannot be run at this time. Once available we will add them to our Event schedule.
We look forward to seeing you back at our store to play the games you love in a safe environment.
Joey Hoffer - Wizard's Tower General Manager