Standard Deck Tech - Rakdos Sacrifice - MTG Arena
Welcome all to my weekly MTG Arena Video series! Each Monday and Friday I’ll have a new video ready to
Welcome all to my weekly MTG Arena Video series! Each Monday and Friday I’ll have a new video ready to
Welcome all to the Daily Dose of Kamigawa Neon Dynasty. Today I’ll be talking about the new Equipment creatures from
Welcome all to the Daily Dose of Kamigawa Neon Dynasty. Today I’ll be talking about the return of our favourite
Welcome all to my weekly MTG Arena Video series! Each Monday and Friday I’ll have a new video ready to
Curtis is here to try his hand at a Double Masters draft! How will he fare in this artifacts matter
Previously, we’ve discussed some cards that allow you to interact with your graveyard but we didn’t quite have enough time
This deck started out, and even currently is, a bit of a very fun and potentially powerful durdely mess. That's
Welcome all to a brand-new season of the Daily Dose. I'll be writing each day about some of the new
Ikoria gave us a cycle of legendary creatures with a Mutate ability on them, and we set out to see
This week we brewed around a super unique card, . It gives anything it's attached to the names of every